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Open Folder and Archive

Folder tree is shown by moving mouse cursor to the left edge of the window. You can open a folder to click correspoiding item in the tree view. And archive files are shown as same as folders, you can open an archive file in same way.

Side panel - Folder tree

Slideshow Images

Play panel is shown by moving mouse cursor to the bottom edge of the window. You can start slideshow to click play button on that. For more details refer to Usage - Play.

Play panel

Navigate Folders

Open Next Folder

You can open the next folder to click in the play panel. And you can skip at the first file in the folder to click . If you already show the first file at the top of the view, previous folder will be opened like music players.

Open Parent Folder

Moving mouse cursor to the edge of the main view, the shape of cursor turns to . Under that condition, clicking causes opening a parent folder. Open parent button () in the play panel can cause same effect.

Open Child Folder

Moving mouse cursor to the folder tag, the shape of cursor truns to . Under that condition clicking causes opening the child folder.

Folder tag

Back, Forword

Menu panel is shown by moving mouse cursor to the top edge of the window. You can open the previous opened folder to click in the menu panel. button can be used for canceling back effect. And mouse's X1, X2 buttons can cause same effects.

Menu panel

Flexible Layout Change

Zooming - Change rows

A context menu is shown to click mouse right button on the main view. While the context menu is shown rotating mouse wheel causes changing rows of image layout.

Keyboard: Zoom in: ←, Ctrl+↓  Zoom out: →, Ctrl+↑  Set rows: 1, 2, ..., 0
Flexible layout change

Pushing ctrl key and rotating mouse wheel causes same effect. Or you can use a track bar placed at right bottom corner in the play panel too.

Changeover Single row and Multiple rows

Clicking image makes changeover to single mode if images are arraged in multiple rows. Conversely clicking image in single row causes layout in multiple rows.

Keyboard: Enter

Single Image Mode

Long pushing mouse left button causes single image mode. The long pushed image will be rendered by original size with default settings. If the image is too huge to show all image part, you can scroll the image by dragging. Long push and dragging scroll can be performed continuously. You need not to release mouse button to make long push to scroll image.

With a single image mode, zooming affects image's magnify rate. Clicking a image with a single image mode makes changeover to multiple image mode.

Change Image Numbers in Each Rows

Grid proportion change affects layout image numbers in each rows. Grid proportion can be changed using menu "View -> Grid proportion -> Custom...". For more details refer to Usage - Proportion.

3 images in a row

Loupe window to magnify image portion

Click to show / hide loupe window.

Loupe button of 'Play Panel'

また、 を右クリックすると、ルーペの設定画面が表示されます。

写真閲覧ソフト「ミルノ PC フォトフレーム」 ルーペ画面


写真閲覧ソフト「ミルノ PC フォトフレーム」 表示(V) > └倍率



File Operations like Windows Explorer

You can move or copy files by drag and drop like windows explorer. For more details refer to Usage - Shell.

Select by dragging


You can add a opened folder by selecting menu item "Favorites -> Add folder Favorites...". Added folders can be shown Favorite tab in a side panel. For more details refer to Usage - Favorites.

Side panel - Favorites

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