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Usage - Proportion

Grid Proportion

Image numbers in each rows is calculated based on grid proportion. For example 1:1 means square cells are used to layout images. If you change grid proportion from 1:1 to 3:2, image numbers in each rows are decreased, because 3:2 is more landscape proportion.

1:1 ratio, fit for various proportions
3:2 ratio, fit for landscape proportion

Change Grid Proportion

You can change grid proportion by context menu on the image. If you select menu item "As grid proportion", the image's propotion is used for.

Miruno PC Photoframe: Ratio menu

Auto - Median

Available image sizes are used to calculate grid proportion. Median is a centered value when sort images by proportions. In Settings dialog - Optimeze Tab - Image buffering group - Max files affects this calculation directry.

Auto - Mean

Available image sizes are used to calculate grid proportion. Mean is an average value of image proportions. In Settings dialog - Optimeze Tab - Image buffering group - Max files affects this calculation directry.

Fixed Predifined Values

You can select predifined proportions 1:1, 3:2, 2:3, 4:3, 3:4, 16:9, 9:16.


You can set custom proportion by selecting "Custom..." menu item.

3 images in a row


If dual image mode is set, grid proportion is not used in 1 row. The dual image mode can be changed by same context menu on a image.

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